AHP143.ZIP 118,599 12-13-94 AHELP and AHELP5 are distributed exclusivelyby MicroFox Company. AHELP5 is an advancedHelp and Index Library for all Clipper 5.xversions. AHELP is an advanced Help and Index
Library for Clipper Summer 87. AHPnnn.ZIPcontains both AHELP and AHELP5. This CA-Clipper developers library includes contextsensitive and fully indexed access to allhelp screens built by programmer or(optional) built by application user.
BASVRN.ZIP 184,970 10-06-94 Vern Six' basic Clipper Library - PD - somemetafunctions for other add-ons included(TP,Comix,FlexFile,Nanfor)
BILDR22A.ZIP 287,644 10-27-94 Builder 2.2 is a code generator and functionlibrary which makes developing professionalClipper systems. Builder creates mouseableapplications. Many window types available:Dialog, Picklist, TBrowse, Handcode, File
Maintenance, Related Maintenance. Alsoincludes a report code generator. Includesextensive function library. [ASP]
BILDR22B.ZIP 383,437 10-27-94 Builder 2.2 is a code generator and functionlibrary which makes developing professionalClipper systems. Builder creates mouseableapplications. Many window types available:Dialog, Picklist, TBrowse, Handcode, File
Maintenance, Related Maintenance. Alsoincludes a report code generator. Includesextensive function library. [ASP]
BILDR22C.ZIP 248,697 10-27-94 Builder 2.2 is a code generator and functionlibrary which makes developing professionalClipper systems. Builder creates mouseableapplications. Many window types available:Dialog, Picklist, TBrowse, Handcode, File
Maintenance, Related Maintenance. Alsoincludes a report code generator. Includesextensive function library. [ASP]
BLI310.ZIP 309,594 12-07-94 Blinker v3.01 -> v3.10 Update Patch forENGLISH LANGUAGE Versions ONLY !
CL-SAVE.ZIP 133,173 12-12-94 Clipper 5.x ScreenSaver Library, fullyfunctional Shareware, easy to use
CLUG0994.ZIP 61,859 09-06-94 Clipper/VO User Group Directory Date:09/06/94 Expires: 10/06/94 Listing ofCA-Clipper and CA-Visual Objects User GroupDirectory in .NG [Norton Guides] format.Provided by Computer Associates, Int.
CLXMS.ZIP 12,485 10-15-94 ClipXMS v1.10 working demo - use either XMSor EMS for Clipper
DECLARE.ZIP 4,369 09-17-94 Multi-Edit CMAC Macro for Clipper 5.x -declare variables LOCAL/STATIC etc.
FACC10.ZIP 56,694 11-30-94 Facade-C (Facade for Clipper) v1.0 - RCCOResearch. Clipper-specific version of thewidely-used Facade(tm) developers' utility, apcx splashscreen display for DOS apps. AllowsCA-Clipper programs to display a
developer-designed VGA .pcx file as a sign-oncopyright or introductory screen. Intendedfor professional development use.
FAST320.ZIP 468,692 09-18-94 FAST.library 3.20 evaluation version.Includes .lib files and .ng in English andSpanish.
FP26_26A.ZIP 3,012 10-04-94 This file contains the current list of filesrequired to patch version 2.6 of of FoxPro,FoxPro add-ons and the FoxPro DistributionKits to the latest version, which is FoxPro2.6a.
FPW.ZIP 256,284 10-15-94 Patch for FoxPro/Win v2.6 -> v2.6a (versionwithout distribution kit)
FS32DEMO.ZIP 383,732 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This fileincludes a big demo of FAST.lib. All sourcecode included.
FS32FLI.ZIP 285,657 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This fileincludes an Autodesk Animator Player createdwith Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes allsource code.
FS32FONT.ZIP 24,331 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This fileincludes a lot of fonts for FAST.lib.
FS32GIF.ZIP 302,987 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This filescontains a GIF viewer created with Clipperand FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32ICON.ZIP 128,179 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This filecontains an icon editor created with Clipperand FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32INST.ZIP 149,155 09-18-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This fileincludes a program instalator created withClipper and FAST.lib. Includes all sourcecode.
FS32MAKE.ZIP 3,056 09-18-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This fileincludes rmk files for several linkers.
FS32PRN.ZIP 121,549 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. A printerqueue manager created with Clipper andFAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32TERM.ZIP 145,526 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. Acommunications terminal created with Clipperand FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32VIR.ZIP 94,019 09-17-94 FAST.library 3.20 demo program. A virusscanner created with Clipper and FAST.lib.Includes all source code.
FW16BE.ZIP 1127,156 11-03-94 FiveWin 1.6BE, Bitmaps and Examples [2/2]FiveWin 1.6BE CA-Clipper for Windows Thediskette is full of example code and bitmapsthat explore almost every facet of theFiveWin Library. This file is not required to
use FW16EE.ZIP but is very usefull and fullof tricks and tips.
FW16EE.ZIP 929,964 11-03-94 FiveWin 1.6EE CA-Clipper for Windows [1/2]Fully functional evaluation edition of thisamazing library for CA-Clipper. Create trueWindows Executables in the syntax you arealready familiar with. Powerful UDC's allow
you to take full advantage of Windows withouthaving to fully understand the Windows API.Windows Debugger! FULL OOPS Implementation!
POPDBF41.ZIP 139,763 12-01-94 PopDBF 4.13 4K TSR dBase File Browser/Editor
SPT10B.ZIP 86,582 10-21-94 Sosso's Professional Tools for CA-Clipper 5.2Beta version (without documentation)includes: Graphics mouse support in theprogram without programming, redefinedwindows with movement, easy browses creation,
full customized pulldown menu, easy dbfmanagement, buttons, checks, calendar,calculator and much more... Examplesincluded. THIS VERSION IS FREE!
STRONG.CH 4,353 10-24-94 Clipper function
SVDEMO.EXE 285,441 10-14-94 Sound & Vision v2.05 - The fastest and mostcomplete interface/object/multimedia/...Library for CA-Clipper 5.x - demonstrationtion
SVPR.TXT 6,976 10-14-94 Sound & Vision v2.05 - product information onthe interface/object/multimedia add-onLibrary for CA-Clipper
SWITCH32.ZIP 3,698 11-16-94 Switch.CH v3.2 C switch() and pascal Case Ofstructure emulator for Clipper 5.2d. Allowstransparent use ofSWITCH/CASE/DEFAULT/ENDSWITCH/SWBREAKcommands implemented in Clipper. Choice of
exclusive SWITCH (clipper do case) or C_LIKEfall-through (case 1: case 2: do_this()).Simple to use. Public domain by Shamim Islam,November 1994.
SWITCH60.ZIP 24,977 12-24-94 Switch.CH v6.0 C switch() and pascal Case Ofstructure emulator for Clipper 5.2d. Allowstransparent use ofSWITCH/CASE/DEFAULT/ENDSWITCH/SWBREAKcommands implemented in Clipper. Choice of
exclusive SWITCH (clipper do case) or C_LIKEfall-through (case 1: case 2: do_this()).Simple to use. Added support for RETURN, LOOPand EXIT from within SWITCH controlstructure. Bugfix in module